Stop being so busy!

Stop being so busy!

There is a ‘work/society epidemic’ that the world is suffering from, and it is called the ‘busy bug’. Do you have it? Check this out. In the course of a normal day we will ask people “How are you?” How many times do you hear the answer “I am so...
4 Top Tips to raise your say:do ratio

4 Top Tips to raise your say:do ratio

Talk is cheap, behaviours are priceless. Raise your impact in 2021 by ramping up your ‘say:do’ ratio. With more people spending time working in the virtual world either ‘working from home or living at work’, our say:do ratio is extremely important. It is time to raise...

Work smarter, not harder in 2021

It’s a new year, a new month – what better time to have a proper restart? This is the time to do it, don’t let the autopilot run your life, career and choices, make sure you are in charge of your journey through the year and beyond. As you kick off 2021, stop...

Start 2021 with IMPACT – the January issue is here

Welcome to a new year and the January issue of impact! Yes, it’s a new year and one that we have probably all looked forward to. The focus this month is on starting the year with impact by working smarter, walking the talk and beating the ‘busy bug’....
Why we love New Year’s Day

Why we love New Year’s Day

It’s not just because of the opportunity for a lie-in, or the not-so-fashionable all-day pyjama fashion, video gaming, watching good films, pigging out on chocolate, or taking a long walk – although all that is of course good too! No, the main reason we love New...