What was expected of leaders 20 years ago is not necessarily relevant any more.
New business and organisational challenges, new world challenges (lack of resources, changing political climate, greater global collaboration) and new generations with new expectations are some of the reasons why the concept of Leadership needs to evolve fast – in order to meet the demand of a fast-moving future.
We are dedicated to continuous leadership development, for chairmen and CEO’s as well as for team leaders and everyone in between. As experienced leaders we know first-hand how leadership can help drive employee engagement, customer loyalty and sustainable results.
Are leaders born or made? The jury is still out on that one. It doesn’t matter. If you have great natural leadership talents, then great. If you don’t, then you can certainly develop many leadership skills to become a good or even great leader.
Great leadership can look different in different people – there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to leadership. However, there are usually some of the following ingredients present: Vision, purpose/passion, great self-awareness and self-management, consistency, an ability to make others feel seen and heard, good communication skills, understanding impact, managing stakeholders.
We know leadership and we know communication – we have worked with these subjects our entire working career, as leaders ourselves and as teachers, coaches and consultants. We are simply passionate about Leadership and Communication, because it’s at the heart of all successful business – and fulfilled people in business.