From WeAreTheCity’s Future Leader’s Blog
We found this great story, which in all its simplicity perfectly describes how things sometimes are at work. Do you recognize it?
There are four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realized
that Everybody wouldn’t do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when
Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
We’re sure you would agree that this is poor teamwork. A healthy, productive team is one where roles and responsibilities are clear – and where goals are shared so that Everybody steps up to the plate when needed and takes responsibility for the outcome.
And the sense of achievement of having reached a goal as a team is pretty amazing – shared pride is so powerful and energizing and motivating.
What can you collaborate even better on in your team – and how can you make that happen?
About the authors
Mandy Flint & Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, award-winning authors of ”The Team Formula”.
Their latest book ”Leading Teams – 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions” is out now, published by Financial Times International.
Praise for ”Leading Teams: ”This book is a 21st-century guide on how to build a world-class team. I highly recommend it” Steve Siebold, Founder, Mental Toughness University, Florida USA.