Our third book ‘The Leader’s Guide to Impact’ was recently released in Chinese, which we are both excited and proud about. And as we have now received hard copies of the book – YAY! – we decided to meet up in a little tea house in a small village in the beautiful Sussex countryside to plan for some promotion of the book in China.

Writing books and getting them published is a non-stop learning journey. When we first sat down and started writing our first book ‘The Team Formula’ we were just keen to start writing. Our awareness of the bigger process and the whole lifecycle of a book was pretty unknown to us. One day we just sat down in Mandy’s kitchen, inspired by the garden outside, with a laptop and a flipchart and started brainstorming ideas and then started writing, one word at a time.


The Leader’s Guide to Impact on Amazon bestseller list

We found straight away that writing was SO MUCH FUN and that we wrote well together, it worked. Time just seemed to shoot by when we were writing. At first we weren’t thinking about the publishing of the book, we were simply completely caught up in the writing, enjoying the process and the creative way to explore what we do for a living.

We quickly came to understand that there’s a real sense of responsibility that comes with the creation of a book. The work certainly isn’t done the day it’s written and edited and goes to print. No, writing the book is just the beginning. Caring for the book, promoting it, working with it and learning from it never really stops.

Yes, once you’ve opened the door to writing, things are just never the same again, books are in our bloodstream now!

So very soon our first promotional video about ‘The Leader’s Guide to Impact’, dubbed/subtitled in Chinese, will appear in online book shops in China. Another fun milestone on our writing journey.