From WeAreTheCity’s Future Leader’s Blog


Continuing on from last week’s blog on how to create impact for the future through your Leadership Brand, let’s turn to a question that leaders often pose to us:

Is it really OK to “promote” myself? I don’t feel comfortable blowing my own trumpet….

It’s all about the value you bring to others.

The quick answer is yes. But the trick is of course in how you do it. As mentioned last week, it’s all about the value you bring to others. You are not really promoting you, you are promoting what you can do for others; the ideas you have, how you can solve their problems, how you can answer their questions, how you can make their lives easier. This is what’s important. And once you look at it this way, you also realise that it’s in fact a good thing to promote those things, for the value of others.

The art to self-PR is about being authentic in the way that you do it;

doing it in your own way, in your own style.

The art to self-PR is about being authentic in the way that you do it; doing it in your own way, in your own style. If you are not a “rah-rah” person then it will not feel right to do it in a “rah-rah” way. Think also about how you influence others through your authentic value-add, as this can help you create your own “walking ambassadors” doing the PR for you, with you.

Here are some more practical recommendations for getting your respectful self-PR underway:

  • Have a clear identity, brand – know your impact
  • Decide who you want to reach, and why
  • Think about building relationship and reputation over time
  • Be consistent and authentic
  • Do you know anyone who is good at self-PR? What do they do? What can you learn from them?
  • Think about what others need, what is it that you can do for them? How could you (further) use self-PR? In what situations and with whom? Who needs what you can offer?
  • Promote ideas and solutions, not accomplishments. What ideas and solutions could you promote? (and who would benefit?)
  • Actions speak louder than words – what do you want the world to see?
  • Evaluate your ideas for self-PR and decide on two specific actions you can take within the next couple of months.
  • Take action! While remembering that all transformational change and impact happens on a behavioural level. It’s not just what you do, but more importantly how you do it that will make the difference.

Yes, in order to have the impact you want and the organisation needs, you may need to make other people aware of who you are and what you’ve got to offer. Remember to use your ULP’s, your Unique Leadership Points in how you do it. Because there is only one you.

About the authors

Mandy Flint and Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, award-winning authors of ”The Team Formula”.

Their latest book, multi-award-winning “Leading Teams – 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions”, published by Financial Times International is a practical tool for building winning teams. You can download a free chapter of the book at

Praise for Leading Teams: “Enjoyable to read. Simple to understand. Practical to implement. A must read for team members or leaders” – Debbie Fogel-Monnissen, Executive Vice President, International Markets Finance Officer, Mastercard, NY, USA.